For the first seven weeks of Moms & More we will be talking about JOY! The challenge for us all is to find joy in the roles we assume everyday: me, wife, mother, friend, family. Join in the dialogue and tell us how you experience joy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let's make a choice!

Wasn't Erin poignant on Thursday? She was precisely on target for the role we wives play in our husband's lives.

Despite the current circumstances, we can choose to have joy or to be miserable. You know the saying, "..if Mom's unhappy, nobody's happy!" or "The woman sets the mood of the home." I might have changed the wording a bit but they mean the same thing. That means that as wives and moms, we hold great power within our homes. It seems to be within our power to choose what the tone of our homes will be.

I believe that when we submit ourselves to God and His desires for our roles as wives and moms, then He can intervene and guide us along that path.

As a mentor couple for "Hope for your Marriage," Bill and I see couples who have endured years of painful suffering they can't seem to get beyond so as a mentor couple we join with the Lord as He works in their hearts to turn damage around to forgiveness and eventually they can once again experience joy together. But they have to begin by making a choice to submit their own wills to the Lord and let Him begin anew in their relationship. At this point they are willing to do so because what they have been choosing has not worked for them.

In tender compassion we can lovingly show these hurting couples that by choosing joy as a first response, no matter what circumstance is looming, we can turn the outcome around and enable God to be glorified.

I am not suggesting that this is an easy task. What I am suggesting is that we as women have the choice to glorify God in our marriage or not. Our heavenly Father is delighted when we choose to rally with Him and take the first steps to edifying Him in our efforts as wife and mom.

My thanks to Erin for sharing with us. It was an inspiring message of hope and genuine truth about our role as a wife.

I am challenging us all in the next few weeks to be deliberate in our choices! God designed the marriage plan. He is the head of our relationship. Let's give it over to Him and see what He has in store for us as half of a most intriguing and unique gift...the success of our marriage relationship.

Love & Joy to you..... Janice..♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful Janice! Thank you for posting another wonderful message!